Now closed

13- 26 Nov


  • Finance & Production

  • Shipping

  • Social Media & Communications

  • Artist Mod

  • Writer Mod

  • Merch Mod

  • Japanese Language Comms

The "Bosselot Zine" (working title) is a fanzine, featuring the relationship dynamic between the characters Big Boss/Naked Snake and Revolver Ocelot from the Metal Gear Solid series.The project is planned to have both a physical and digital release. Physical versions of the zine may include merchandise, dependent on Interest Check results.

(This project may potentially be open to being inclusive of Venom Snake/Ocelot. This is subject to change).

đź“‘ FAQ

Q: What is a “zine?”
A “zine" is a independently published booklet or magazine. A “fanzine” is a zine centred around an existing franchise from games, movies, shows, or novels.
Q: Where do the profits go to?
The project is currently planned for profits to go towards an undecided charity. This prospect is dependent on the results of the interest check.
Q: Do I need a tumblr/twitter to participate?
Contributors are only required a discord account for communication purposes.
Q: My English is not fluent. Can I still participate?
Yes! A basic grasp of English is preferred, but contributors of all backgrounds are encouraged to join. Communication can be achieved through the power of online translators!
Q: How/Where do I sign-up?
Please follow our tumblr/twitter for application announcements.
Q: How are contributors chosen?
Portfolios will be screened for proof of consistency, and a quality which is appropriate for professional printing.
Applicants will be processed by a jury to avoid any bias, and allow variety.Q: What if I’m not chosen as an contributor?
Applicants who are not initially accepted will be put on the waiting list, and may cover for any drop-out participants if you volunteer to be a pinch-hitter.
Q: What is the timezone for due dates?
The head mod is based in Western Australia (GMT+8:00). This is subject to change.
Q: What is required of my submission?
Aritst submission must be fully coloured and rendered to publication standards. Writer submissions must have at least 5,000 words, and have their work reviewed/edited by a peer. All work must be your own.
Q: Can I submit an existing/in progress artwork (of my own)?
No. All works must be new and produced specifically for this project.
Q: Can I depict an "AU"?
Yes! This project will accpet both "canon compliant", "canon divergent" and "alternative universe" depictions.
Q: Can I submit traditional art?
Yes! Please make sure your submission is a clean scan, or a high quality photo with appropriate lighting. Resolution must be at least 300dpi.
If your submission does not meet this standard, you will be asked to re-submit with a better quality version.Q: Can I depict characters other than Big Boss/Naked Snake and Revolver Ocelot?
Yes you can. Please ensure that Big Boss/Naked Snake and Ocelot are still the focus of your piece.
Q: Does "bosselot" also include Venom Snake/Ocelot?
At this time, Venom Snake/Ocelot will be considered. This is subject to change.
Q: Can I submit adult/NSFW content?
Currently, NSFW or explicit material will not be accepted into the zine (Nudity, sex, gore, etc). There may be a NSFW zine, dependent on Interest Check results
Q: Are crossovers/other parings/OC-inserts allowed?
Franchise crossovers or OCs will not be accepted. Please refrain from heavy/blatant depictions of pairings or non-canon couples.
Q: What are “check-ins”?
“Check-ins” are allocated times where contributors update their submission status. If you fail to respond to these checkpoints, you may be subject to being cut from the event.
Q: Why can’t I upload/share my submission online yet?
The idea is to launch and reveal everyone’s submissions with the zine. Posting your submission before the zine is unfair for the project, and other participants.
There will be a set date where contributors can post previews/snippets of their submission.Q: Can I sell prints of my submission (at conventions, online, etc.)?Yes! Artists will retain all rights to share, promote, modify, and sell their artwork AFTER the completion of this project.Q: When will the zine be released/preorders open?
Please follow our tumblr/twitter for preoder announcements.
Q: How much will it cost?
Q: How much will shipping cost?
Q: Who are you/who is the mod? Why should I trust you, or this project.
G'day! Going by ochibrochi, but you can call me ochi. I've been a Metal Gear Solid fan since 2008, and a bosselot truther for just about as long.
I have 4 years experience as a professional pre-press and graphic designer. I've previously hosted the successful "Duel Monsters Zine", with all profits donated to charity (Child's Play). I have also modded a Big Bang event, have 9 years experience as an artist vendor, and 3 years experience as an event director for an annual anime convention.


This page is subject to changes | LAST EDIT: 4 November 2022


Ochi (@ochibrochi)
Head coordinator
Graphic design & layout

XYZ (@xyz)
Communication & Socials
Art mod

XYZ (@xyz)
Writer Mod

XYZ (@xyz)
Shipping & fulfillment


Head coordinator is in GMT+8 timezone.

4 - 11 NovemberInterest Check
18 Nov - 2 DecModerator Applications open
15 - 29 JanuaryContributor Applications open
5 - 11 FebruaryApplication results emailed out
12 FebruaryContributor confirmation
19 FebruaryContributor list finalised
12 MarchCheck-in #1
2 AprilCheck-in #2
23 AprilCheck-in #3
7 MayFinal submission DUE
28 May - 30 JunePre-orders open
June - JulyProduction period
AugustPhysical merchandise arrives
SeptemberMerch shipping & fufillment
October (tba)Leftover sale
November (tba)Profits donated


  • Contributors must be at least 17 years old, or older (by 5 February).

  • Applications will be subject to a jury process.

  • Portfolios must feature at least 3 examples of your best work. These do not need to be "bosselot" or "Metal Gear Solid" related.

  • If you are linking to a "storage cloud" (Google Drive, Dropbox etc.) please ensure viewing permissions are set to public.

  • You may apply as both an artist and writer. Please note, successful applicants will only be assigned to one role.

  • There will not be seperate application form for merchandise. Applying artists will have the opportunity to express their interest in merchandise creation.

  • All applicants will be emailed their results. You will have a 1-week period to confirm your participation.

  • All contributors/partcipants must have a discord account.


  • Submissions must be focused on the relationship (romantic or platonic) between Big Boss/Naked Snake and Revolver Ocelot.

  • Submission for this project must not be pre-existing, and be completely your own creation.

  • Any outsourced content must be free domain/royalty free, or have expressed permission from the original owner.

  • Artwork must be fully coloured and polished to publication standard.

  • Prose must have at least 5000 words, minimum.

  • Both "canon compliant" or "alternate universe" depictions are accepted.

  • No “genderbends”. However, we accept all interpretations of a character’s ethnic background or gender identity.

  • No OCs or crossovers.

  • No NSFW or explicit material.

  • Submission may be shared or posted online for promotional purposes.